Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Apocalyptic Anti-Hero

I think the archetype that I choose is the one that fits me best, it's the Apocalyptic Anti-Hero. What's that you ask, I'll tell you it's the mixture between Apocalyptic Hero, and Anti-Hero. I think of the Apocalyptic Hero, for one I LOVE explosions and fire. Also destroying things is ALWAYS fun. There's never a bad time to break something. My other archetype the Anti-Hero, if you asked my parents to describe me, they would probably tell you that I'm lazy. I always like to make people laugh, and I like to laugh in the process. Apart from not doing anything or destroying things, I like to play sports like basketball and football. Oh, and I LOVE to read/watch Harry Potter. Go ahead call me a nerd, it doesn't phase me.

The Quest

Well, let's see here. The Quest. Well one day I hope that I could be attacked by bears, but to be more specific robot bears equipped with laser vision. Well enough of that, I think that one day I could one day become a successful doctor, actually a surgeon. Though I'm slacking off, A LOT! Hence the Anti-Hero archetype. Also this a secret that no one knows, I want to meet J.K. Rowling, for those of you who know who that is then you know why I want to. Well back again to the important things, after going to college and getting my degrees, I be a surgeon. Then I would like to have some money, and of course a girl. Also, whenever Jared Davidson plays in the BIG LEAGUES (baseball) I want to still be his friend.

The Mentor

Well about my mentor, as I have stated in my earlier post, that I LOVE Harry Potter series. So I had to make my mentor Albus Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore was the Headmaster for the school Hogwarts. He WAS the wisest character in the entire series, and he taught Harry many things. I know it may be weird for me to use a fictional character as my mentor, but Dumbledore was a genius and he was a great teacher. I think that just by reading the Harry Potter series and learning the things that Dumbledore taught Harry, I have also learned. He teaches Harry many things about what lies ahead, and how to stay on the right path and not go astray. I know that this isn't making much sense it does to me, and I'm just not sure how to explain it. That's why I choose Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore as my mentor.

The Threshold Guardian

My threshold guardian would have to be Chuck Norris. Even though I would be to scared that he might roundhouse kick me, he is still AWESOME. Everyone knows that Chuck Norris knows where you are and he could attack you if he wanted. But I think that Chuck Norris is in me, telling me what I need to do, warning me not to do bad things. So I would have to say Chuck Norris is my conscious. That's why Chuck Norris is my Threshold Guardian.


I would have to say my shadow would have to be my confidence. Though for those who know me, would have never thought that. Believe me it has improved a lot over the years, and I'm having much more confidence. Even though it still brings me down every now and then I have learned to boost it back up like whatever happened to bring me down never happened. Like for one thing I didn't want people to know that I read Harry Potter, but now I don't care anymore. So one of these days I won't have my problem and I'll be fine.


The trickster, I would have to say is my brother Adam. He is the FUNNIEST person I know. I mean how many people do you know that sit in dark closet playing a mini guitar (which he is no good at) whenever you have friends over. Even though he can be the world's biggest jerk, he is still hilarious. He's actually never there to help me, but when he is, he will. He is always thinking of something stupid to do, but it is still hilarious. We never hang out a lot like other people and their siblings, but whenever I get the chance to go anywhere with him, I always go. That's why I choose him as my Trickster.

Loyal Compaions

I would have to say that my Loyal Companions and I are the coolest every. These people are; William Bunt, Jared Davidson, and Adam Sheets. I would have to say that had I not met these people I wouldn't have made it this far on my own. They have taught me what it is to be a good friend and a bad friend. They have always helped me on journey, no matter what would happen. They are greatest people I know, and I would like to thank them for helping out whenever I needed it.